Comprehensive Guide To Pokemon Types

Despite Pokemon being in its 20th year, the large variety of types and type interactions in the games can sometimes be seen as confusing. No doubt, that if you play, you will learn the type advantages through the myriad battles and Pokemon encounters (such as Fire is stronger than Grass to quote an easy one).

What any prospective Pokemon Master has to realise is that each move that you use has types that it will deal a lot of damage against, and those types that will resist the move. There are a few different resistance types and they are;

-Super Effective : If a move is Super Effective against an opposing Pokemon, it will then inflict double the amount of damage than it normally would, however if the move used is Super Effective against both of a Pokemon’s types , then it will increase the damage to 4x. A Rock move being used against Charizard is an example of this.

-Not Very Effective : A move is Not Very Effective when the opposing Pokemon has a strong resistance to it. In this case, the move will deal half the damage it normally would.

-Not Effective : In some cases, a Pokemon will not be affected at all by a particular type. This comes into play with Normal moves against Ghost Pokemon. Definitely best to avoid.

-Same Type Bonus : In the case of the same type bonus, a Pokemon will gain a boost to damage if the move used is the same as its type. Therefore, a Dark type Pokemon will additional damage if using a Dark type move. The damage increases to 1.5x.

Meet The Types

For this section, I will simply go through the types and lay out their strengths and weaknesses. For added ease of finding it, I will also place the types in alphabetical order.


-Bug type moves are super effective against Grass, Dark and Psychic types.

-Bug type moves are not very effective against Fire, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Steel or Fairy types.

-Bug types are weak against Fire, Flying and Rock type moves.


-Dark type moves are super effective against Psychic and Ghost types.

-Dark type moves are not effective against Fighting, Dark and Fairy types.

-Dark types are weak against Fairy, Bug and Fighting types.


-Dragon type moves are super effective against Dragon types.

-Dragon type moves are not effective against Steel types. They have no effect on Fairy types.

-Dragon types are susceptible to Ice, Dragon and Fairy type moves.


-Electric type moves are super effective against Water and Flying types.

-Electric type moves are not effective against Electric, Grass and Dragon types. They also have no effect on Ground type Pokemon.

-Electric type Pokemon are weak against Ground type moves.


-Fairy type moves are super effective against Fighting, Dragon and Dark types.

-Fairy type moves are not effective against Fire, Steel and Poison types.

-Fairy type Pokemon are weak against Poison and Steel types.


-Fighting type moves are super effective against Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark and Steel types.

-Fighting type moves are not effective against Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug and Fairy types.

-Fighting types are weak against Flying, Psychic and Fairy types.


-Fire types are super effective against Grass, Ice, Steel and Bug types.

-Fire types are not effective against Fire, Water, Dragon and Rock types.

-Fire types are weak against Water, Ground and Rock Pokemon.


-Flying types are super effective against Grass, Fighting and Bug Pokemon.

-Flying types are not effective against Electric, Rock and Steel Pokemon.

-Flying types are weak against Electric, Ice and Rock types.


-Ghost types are super effective against Psychic and Ghost types.

-Ghost types are not effective against Dark types.

-Ghost types are also susceptible to Ghost and Dark types.


-Grass type moves are super effective against Water, Ground and Rock types.

-Grass type moves are not effective against Fire, Grass, Poison, Flying, Bug, Dragon and Steel types.

-Grass types are weak against Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying and Bug types.


-Ground type moves are super effective against Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock and Steel types.

-Ground type moves are not effective against Grass and Bug types.

-Ground types are weak against Water, Grass and Ice.


-Ice type moves are super effective against Grass, Ground, Flying and Dragon types.

-Ice type moves are not effective against Fire, Water, Ice and Steel types.

-Ice types are weak against Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel.


-Normal type moves are not super effective against anything.

-Normal type moves are not effective against Rock and Steel types. Normal type moves have no effect on Ghost type Pokemon.

-Normal types are weak against Fighting types.


-Poison type moves are super effective against Grass and Fairy types.

-Poison type moves are not effective against Poison, Ground, Rock and Ghost. They have absolutely no effect against Steel Pokemon.

-Poison types are weak against Ground and Psychic Pokemon.


-Psychic type moves are super effective against Fighting and Poison types.

-Psychic type moves are not effective against Psychic and Steel types. They have no effect on Dark type Pokemon.

-Psychic types are weak against Bug, Dark and Ghost types.


-Rock type moves are super effective against Fire, Ice, Flying and Bug types.

-Rock type moves are not effective against Fighting, Ground and Steel.

-Rock types are weak against Water, Fighting, Grass, Ground and Steel.


-Steel type moves are super effective against Ice, Rock and Fairy types.

-Steel type moves are not effective against Fire, Water, Electric and Steel types.

-Steel types are weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground Pokemon.


-Water type moves are super effective against Fire, Ground and Rock types.

-Water type moves are not effective against Water, Grass and Dragon.

-Water types are weak against Electric and Grass types.


So Trainers, I hope this guide helps out even a little bit in your quest to become the very best.